Thursday, February 28, 2019

How to Become A Doctorate: Survey Method for Research

Conducting a survey to gather information is a form of research methodology. Lets discuss few points on what it entails and what problems can come with survey method in research.

  1. Surveys are helpful in gathering large amounts of information like public opinion, views, experiences, etc.
  2. Survey helps in correlating the answers and drawing a conclusion.
  3. In a survey method, researcher is the one who is reporting. So, it is called self-reporting a data. You as a researcher are not relying on another person's analysis or report. So, in many ways survey method is more reliable and credible because you are applying your understanding and identifying the results of the survey.
  4. Methods to conduct a survey are interviews, polls and questionnaires.
  5. An interview can be telephonic or face-to-face. And, questionnaires can be handed out in public places, mailed through postal services or emailed using internet. Either way, the aim is to get answers on particular questions.
  6. Sometimes, a person may not prefer to give an interview, but is alright with filling out a questionnaire or vice versa. Both are helpful in survey method.
  7. Whether you are conducting an interview or sending a questionnaire it is important to frame good questions that provoke the person to answer correctly. If the questions are confusing or includes many parts or has double negatives, chances are the interviewee will not be able to give a proper answer. For example, questions like "Do you agree that after an accident, no bystander should do nothing?" is very confusing and one cannot decide to say or no or what it even means.
  8. Avoid questions in the same questionnaire that draw two different conclusions on the attitude and belief of the interviewee. For example, "Do you demand more freedom after marriage and childbirth?" and "Do want to spend more time with family?" In most cases, the interviewee will want to say yes to both the questions despite sounding contradictory (How can one want freedom to go and work outside house as well as devote time to family?) Or "Do you believe in non-violence?" and "Should government spend more on defence?". Again the answers to both questions maybe yes despite overlooking the fact that wanting the government to spend on defence and war equipments means you are supporting violent activities.
  9. While using the survey method for research ensure that you choose such people for diagnosis who will be helpful or will be interested in giving you answers/opinions. So, before even conducting a survey, have clarity in mind over which section of the society will be profitable to interview and not cost much of your time and money.
  10. A problem using survey method for research is that if you are not clear on what you want to measure, then it will become difficult to draw /measure conclusions. For example, what to omit and what to measure.
  11. A researcher has to be objective while researching. For example, biasness can creep in while framing questions and when drawing conclusions. Maybe you are personally of the opinion that life in villages is pathetic and that in cities is better. So, you may deliberately frame questions like "Are you unhappy?" "If given an opportunity, will you like to live in urban cities?" Such questions will not make the interviewee say "no".
  12. Another problem with survey method is Truth. How to assess that the answers provided are true and honest? Maybe the interviewee does not want to make her husband angry or defame and so when asked "Are you deprived?" she chooses to say "no". Or in some cases, the interviewee feels like giving those answers which are socially acceptable, as such as, "Would you stand up for injustice against women?" and the answer will invariably come "yes" (despite the person belonging to a conservative background and does not understand what injustice means. Maybe hitting is not considered domestic violence or something wrong in that community). No one wants to paint themselves as a morally bad person and will answer in a way which reflects positivity even if they do not fundamentally agree to what they just agreed to.
So, these were some of the guidelines about survey method and the problems within. Despite the confusion over arriving at a conclusion and attitude of the group that is interviewed, survey method is effective when trying to gather information about large number of people who are under common circumstances.

Click to read next topic: Why a slow learner is better appreciated in PhD?
Click to read previous topic: Ethical behavior while doing research


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